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Jey comes to Xavier’s aid backstage. He pulls Ludwig Kaiser off of him as referees gather around.


Roman’s music hits and out he comes with Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman. Roman points at Solo and Solo gets in the ring. Solo with a right hand onto LA Knight and he throws him to the outside. Roman and Jimmy stomp onto AJ Styles and Randy Orton in the ring. Orton rolls to the outside. Solo grabs the steel steps and he hits Orton with them. Roman hits AJ with a powerbomb and he throws AJ to the outside of the ring. Jimmy and Solo throw LA Knight back into the ring. Roman hits LA Knight with a Superman Punch. Roman runs to the ropes and hits him with a spear. Jimmy throws Orton into the ring and Roman hits him with a spear and Solo with a Samoan Spike. Nick Aldis grabs Heyman and tells him congratulations because it’s a fatal four way match against the three of them at the Royal Rumble. Aldis walks away as the show fades to black.


Kofi Kingston makes his entrance. He’s soon followed by “Main Event” Jey Uso. Jey gets the crowd thumping. They’ll face Imperium next.

Tag Team Match
Kofi Kingston and “Main Event” Jey Uso vs. Imperium (Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci)

Kofi Kingston will start against Giovanni Vinci. Vinci quickly applies a hammerlock before wrenching the arm. Kingston twists out and takes him down before connecting with a big splash for a two-count. Vinci quickly knees him, but he has a whip into the ropes reversed on him. Vinci ducks a clothesline and absolutely clobbers Kingston with a running cross-body block. Vinci forearms Kingston’s chest in the corner and tags in Ludwig Kaiser. Kingston fights out of the corner, but Kaiser knees him in the midsection to keep him down. Kaiser whips Kingston to the corner, but Kingston knocks Vinci off the apron. Kingston tries to boot Kaiser, but Kaiser blocks it and attacks him. Kaiser taunts the crowd and stomps Kingston in the corner. Kaiser sends him to the opposite corner, but Kingston springboards off the middle turnbuckle with a twisting missile dropkick. Kaiser quickly rolls out of the ring to recover. Kingston hits the ropes for a dive, but Vinci sweeps the feet. Kaiser sends Kingston shoulder-first into the ring post. Vinci tags in. Imperium sandwiches Kingston in the corner with dual dropkicks.

-Commercial Break-

Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: Vinci whips Kingston into the barricade and gets him into the ring. Kingston fights back, but Vinci shoves him into the ropes for a big spinebuster. Kaiser tags in and hits the ropes for a penalty kick. Kaiser uses his boots to rake the eyes. Kaiser taunts Jey Uso, who is watching on helplessly from the apron. Kaiser avalanches Kingston in the corner and hits a head-and-arm suplex. Kaiser dances around the ring and peppers Kingston with strikes. Kingston starts to punch back and reaches for a tag, but Kaiser holds him back. Kaiser pulls Kingston back and taunts Jey. Vinci tags in and connects with a guillotine catapult into the bottom rope for a two-count.

Back from the break, Vinci hits a few quick kicks to Kingston. Kingston fights back and reverses a whip to the corner. Vinci scales the ropes and dives for a cross-body, but Kingston dropkicks him out of mid-air. The “YEET” chants are picking up. Kingston crawls over and reaches to make the tag to Jey Uso!

Jey hits the ring, but the referee steps up to him. The bell rings to end the match!

Winners by Referee Stoppage: Kofi Kingston and “Main Event” Jey Uso

A WWE doctor is in the ring and is checking on Giovanni Vinci, who is down in the ring. Jey does not look happy. Everyone is walking around the ring, not sure what to do. Michael Cole and Wade Barrett put over the health and well-being of the WWE Superstars.

The good news is Giovanni Vinci was able to walk off under his own power. He was holding the back of his head. Replays of the dropkick out of mid-air show a boot connecting to Vinci’s jaw and a rough landing.


Jimmy Uso is backstage with Solo. He tells Solo he knows the pressure and when you are out there, you have to call an audible. Roman is sitting down and he asks Heyman who the SmackDown General Manager is and Heyman tells him Nick Aldis. Roman tells Heyman to bring Aldis to him. Heyman asks if he can have a moment of his time to brief him about Aldis. Roman tells Heyman to bring Aldis.

AJ Styles vs. Solo Sikoa

Winner: By disqualification, AJ Styles

Roman lifts AJ up but AJ lands on his feet and he hits Roman with a kick to the side of the head.

Solo Sikoa gets in the ring and he hits AJ with right hands. Randy Orton’s music hits and Randy runs down to the ring. Orton with a kick onto Solo and right hands onto Roman. In comes Jimmy Uso and he hits Randy from behind with right hands. LA Knight’s music hits and out he comes to the ring. LA Knight with a clothesline onto Jimmy and right hands to Solo and Roman. LA Knight throws Jimmy towards Orton and Orton throws Jimmy to the outside of the ring. Roman rolls to the outside. Randy Orton, AJ Styles and LA Knight stand in the middle of the ring. AJ argues with the both of them. AJ with a right hand onto LA Knight and a chop onto Orton. LA Knight hits AJ with a clothesline. Orton grabs LA Knight and LA Knight with right hands. Solo and Jimmy are about to enter the ring but Roman tells them to stop. AJ Styles with right hands onto LA Knight but LA Knight slams him into the top turnbuckle. Randy Orton with right hands onto LA Knight and SmackDown goes off the air.



Byron Saxton catches up with Jey Uso after his big win to end the year 2023. Jey Uso is pumped up and talks about Kofi Klaus coming to his aid. Kofi walks up and he and Jey show out a little. Jey tells Kofi he needs to lay off the candy canes while pointing to his stomach. Jey also points out Kofi’s butt in the Santa pants. Watch what went down in the video!


Last week, we saw Jey Uso lose in a match against Drew McIntyre. This could be taken as a good or bad thing. You see Jey tried starting fresh on Monday Night Raw, but his past incidents have caused his journey on the red brand to start off rough. As many superstars have forgone the past and what The Bloodline did, Drew McIntyre has been in a sour state since The YEET Master made his singles debut on Raw. Now that Drew has his sights set on Seth Rollins, can Jey Uso get back on the straight and narrow and be able to start fresh? Take a look at what happened on tonight’s episode.

Kofi Claus brings a little Christmas to Des Moines

Kofi Claus makes his way to the ring throwing gifts out to the crowd. All of a sudden, Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci of Imperium attack him from behind. Vinci gives him a back suplex in the ring. They continue to double-team Kofi Claus until “Main Event” Jey Uso runs down for the save. Jey knocks them out of the ring and hits a running plancha. Jey challenges one of them to a match.

Ludwig Kaiser w/ Giovanni Vinci vs. “Main Event” Jey Uso

We join this match in progress. Jey takes it to Kaiser, but Kaiser soon fights back. Kaiser rips at Jey’s face and elbows him. Kaiser sends Jey into the ropes and hits a back elbow. Kaiser whips Jey hard into the corner and continues to take it to him. Jey misses an enzuigiri, and Kaiser sends him over the top rope. Kaiser connects with a running uppercut at ringside.

Back from the break, Jey finally hits Kaiser with a step-up enzuigiri. Jey punches back at Kaiser, does a little dance, and floors him with a stinging right hand. Kaiser sends him into the ropes, but Jey gets away and hits another enzuigiri. Jey hits a running hip attack for a two-count. Jey lifts Kaiser, but Kaiser rakes the eyes and hits a Kaiser Roll (rolling Death Valley Driver) for a two-count. Kaiser goes for a twisting DDT, but Jey gets out and superkicks him. Giovanni Vinci pushes Jey off the top rope as the referee checks on Kaiser. Kaiser hits a nasty enzuigiri for a near fall.

Kofi Claus returns to ringside and hits Vinci with Trouble in Paradise! Jey takes Kaiser down in the ring with a Spear and hits an Uso Splash for the win!

Winner by Pinfall: Jey Uso

Jey Uso celebrates with Kofi Claus… who is really Kofi Kingston! Wow!


Jimmy Uso has had his fair share of bad luck since his twin brother and tag team partner Jey Uso left The Bloodline and SmackDown in search of a brand new journey on Monday Night Raw. Jimmy still had a brother on his side though, Solo Sikoa. The two have been trying to keep the family on top during Roman’s noticeable absence. Now with a returning viper freshly signed to SmackDown looking for retribution, Jimmy has to find a way to send the viper cowering as they go head to head tonight. Also, we have to keep in mind, Roman Reigns makes his long awaited return tonight. What will he have to say tonight with all of the drama that’s been happening? What will his reaction be to the downfall of The Bloodline?

SmackDown Coverage

WWE SmackDown kicks off with Roman’s music hitting and out comes Roman Reigns with Paul Heyman, Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa. Michael Cole mentions that Roman has been champion for 1202 days. We see clips of last week’s tag team match main event where Randy Orton and LA Knight got the win against Jimmy Uso and Solo.

Roman tells Green Bay to acknowledge him and the fans put their fingers in the air and point to the sky. Roman tells them to shut their mouths. He said he would not have done that if they would have kept the boos down. He says it’s the Christmas season, it’s the holidays, he is here to celebrate. It’s promotion season because he is a good boss. He is a fair Tribal Chief. When someone is doing good, we let them know. When someone is doing bad, they smash them but that’s not tonight. And tonight is about one man, he has bent overt backwards, sacrificed everything, this man understands what it means to keep the family at the top of the mountain.

And if something happens to him, this person is the next in line. We see Jimmy smiling behind Roman. The fans chant “Randy” and Roman looks at the crowd. Roman says this isn’t for Randy Orton, this man is going to be responsible for the Bloodline. This is the next Tribal Chief. Roman tells Jimmy to join him in congratulating his brother, Solo. Jimmy looks around and Roman hugs Solo and tells him he loves him.

Randy Orton’s music hits and out he comes to the ring.

Back from commercial, Orton gets in the ring and the fans chant “Randy”. He says for 18 months, he has been thinking about this moment. About what he is going to do, what he is going to say but the only thing he really needs to tell Roman is that he is coming for him. He took 18 months from him, he is going to take everything away from him and he doesn’t care which one of his family members he has to go through to get the job done.

Randy tells Roman it starts tonight, it ends at the Royal Rumble because he is challenging Roman Reigns for the WWE Championship. The fans chant “RKO” and Roman looks at the crowd.

Roman says by the sounds of the fans, it sounds like Orton deserves it. Roman says Orton was thinking about this for 18 months but Roman has not thought about him at all. He has been gone for 18 months, he has not done anything to earn this opportunity and he does not deserve this opportunity and he can go to the back of the line where he belongs. He says everyone wants to hang with the Tribal Chief but that’s not how it works. He tells Orton to do what he does which is to tap into that dumb head of his and to listen to that voice. He says it’s not 2007, he is head and shoulders above him and everyone else. He tells Randy if he has a match with him, he won’t be away for 18 months, it will be retirement because he is never coming back.

Randy says maybe Roman is right. He is looking in the eyes of the Tribal Chief and he can see that Roman has changed for the better. He is no longer just a historical Champion, he is a legend. Orton tells Roman that he has changed too. He has evolved but the one thing Randy Orton will forever be is a legend killer.

Orton goes to RKO Roman but Roman gets out of it. Orton tells Roman maybe he should start thinking about him. Orton points to his ear and says he is getting something from the voices of his head and they are telling him that Roman might have just crapped his pants. And they also said that “daddy’s back”. Orton throws the microphone and leaves the ring.

We cut to the announce team who mention that Randy Orton will go up against Jimmy Uso tonight.
We cut to the back and Roman Reigns is sitting in his locker room. He says tonight was supposed to be a celebration and Orton ruined Solo’s moment. He asks Jimmy is he saw it and Jimmy says he saw it. Roman says someone should silence Orton. Jimmy says he can do it but it sounds like a job for the Tribal Heir. Roman says it’s promotion season. If he can silence Orton alone, this could be big for him. He asks Jimmy if he understands and Jimmy says “Yeeet”. Roman looks at him and Jimmy tells him “No Yeeet”.

We cut to the back. Jimmy and Solo are along and Jimmy tells Solo that Roman and Heyman have been talking for longer than usual and it does not feel right. He tells Solo it feels like a set up. He asks Solo if he would tell him if something were to happen to him. Solo tells Jimmy he is his brother.

Randy Orton vs. Jimmy Uso

The bell rings and we are under way. Orton with right hands and he throws Jimmy in the corner. Right hands by Orton. He throws Jimmy onto the ring apron and goes for a DDT but Jimmy drops to the outside.

Back from commercial, Orton slams Jimmy onto the announce table. Orton throws Jimmy back into the ring. He goes for the cover but Jimmy kicks out. Orton with an arm bar but Jimmy with a headbutt. Jimmy runs towards Orton but Orton with an elbow to the face. He place Jimmy in the corner and Orton with right hands. Orton stomps on Jimmy. He throws Jimmy to the ropes but Jimmy with a spinning kick to the head. Jimmy with right hands. He goes for the cover but Orton kicks out. Jimmy gets Orton in the corner. Jimmy climbs the second rope and hits Orton with right hands. He goes for more right hands but Orton with a thumb to the eye. He throws Jimmy onto the ring apron. He goes for the DDT but Jimmy throws Orton over the top rope and onto the outside.

Back from commercial, Orton with a clothesline and a bodyslam. Jimmy rolls onto the ring apron and Orton grabs him but Jimmy hangs him up on the top rope. Jimmy is about to get in the ring but Orton kicks him. Orton with a DDT. Orton is about to go for the RKO but Solo Sikoa’s music hits and out comes Solo. LA Knight’s music hits and out he comes. LA Knight throws Solo into the barricade. Jimmy grabs Orton in the ring but Orton hits him with the RKO. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Randy Orton

LA Knight and Orton stare at each other and LA Knight tells Orton he knows why he got that win. He says he knew they were coming. Roman attacks LA Knight from behind on the outside. He and Orton stare at each other.

The fans chant “Randy” and Roman looks at the crowd. Roman gets in the ring and both men with right hands. Jimmy hits Orton from behind and they double team Orton. LA Knight gets in the ring and he hits Roman from behind. In comes Solo and he attacks LA Knight from behind. They team up against Orton and LA Knight.

AJ Styles returns to SmackDown. We hear his music and Roman looks at the ramp but AJ Styles shows up on the ring apron. He hits Roman with the Phenomenal Forearm. AJ Styles, Randy Orton and LA Knight attack the Bloodline and the Bloodline roll to the outside as AJ’s music hits.

AJ grabs LA Knight from behind and he hits him with a clothesline. Orton stares at AJ confused. AJ leaves the ring and walks towards the Bloodline. He walks passed them and leaves with everyone looking at AJ Styles who leaves.


In the past couple of weeks since Jey Uso made his way to Monday Night Raw, he has had a target on his back. Who is after Jey Uso? Drew McIntyre. Drew McIntyre isn’t too keen on having Jey Uso on Monday Night Raw. He also is not a huge fan of Jey getting title opportunities before him. Jey was on The Bump this past week, where he apologized to Drew. Moments later, he reneged his apology due to McIntyre putting him through a table on last Monday night. Jey went on to tell Drew if he wanted him, he is going to give him what he wants on a silver platter this Monday night (tonight). Will Drew finally end his pursuit of Jey Uso? Will Jey Uso finally get to focus on more opportunities? Find out what happened below.

Raw Recap

“Main Event” Jey Uso makes his way to the ring and is wearing a shirt that says, “YEET,” on it. This word was apparently removed from his arsenal last week. Jey Uso welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw. Jey says he’s got “YEET” back and is excited about that. He’s also excited about CM Punk being in the building. Tonight, CM Punk will decide if he wants to sign with Raw or not. If they want Punk on Raw, they can shout, “YEET.” The crowd shouts it loudly. Last week, we lost Sami Zayn, so Jey wishes him well in his recovery. A “Sami” chant picks up. Zayn was taken out at the hands of Drew McIntyre. McIntyre came after them all last week. McIntyre isn’t trying to be honest. Tonight, he’ll be face-to-face with the “YEET-Master.” McIntyre’s music cuts Jey off.

Drew McIntyre walks out onto the stage, and the crowd boos him. McIntyre says he’s heard enough “arse-kissing” from Jey Uso. The Raw locker room is already in a bad state because of Jey. McIntyre implores Raw General Manager Adam Pearce to let CM Punk go and sign with Nick Aldis on SmackDown. McIntyre says CM Punk should not be in the locker room because he’ll destroy the place from the inside out. McIntyre has traveled the world with Pupnk and knows what he’s like. McIntyre knows how this story ends. A “CM Punk” chant picks up.

McIntyre wants to talk to Jey. He knows Jey is mad about Seth Rollins, but he made it personal. McIntyre says he may have had a little to do with Sami Zayn being home. Zayn ran his mouth too much and talked about his family. McIntyre did leave him with one good leg, but he still apologizes. McIntyre tells Jey that’s a real apology, something Jey is incapable of giving. McIntyre gets on the apron. McIntyre wants to play a social experiment. If someone hurt their family, would they want revenge? The crowd agrees. If they didn’t apologize, would they want revenge? The crowd sees where this is going and lightly agrees. McIntyre says Jey has everyone fooled and mocks his dance. Jey says McIntyre cannot dance and asks the crowd if they want to see him get a “YEETdown.” They do.

“Main Event” Jey Uso vs. Drew McIntyre

The bell rings, and Jey punches away at McIntyre. McIntyre hasn’t taken his jacked off yet. Jey knocks McIntyre over the top rope, and McIntyre is irate at ringside.

Back from the break, Jey punches McIntyre to the corner. McIntyre reverses a whip to the opposite corner, but Jey puts the brakes on. McIntyre quickly clubs Jey down and puts him on the apron. Jey quickly kicks him back and goes to the top rope for a diving cross-body block for a two-count. McIntyre reverses a whip to the corner and quickly kicks Jey in the midsection to take him down. McIntyre mounts Jey and punches away at him. McIntyre powers Jey up and slams him with a vertical suplex. McIntyre stomps the back of the head. Jey blocks a right hand and punches back at McIntyre. McIntyre reverses a whip and connects with a back elbow to take Jey down. McIntyre hooks a front facelock and powers him into the corner. McIntyre chops the chest. Jey rolls out of the ring to recover, so McIntyre follows him outside. McIntyre sizes him up and charges for a Claymore Kick, but he lands on the commentary table when Jey moves. Jey quickly gets in the ring and drops the Scottish Warrior with a suicide dive. McIntyre is irate that he let Jey back into this match as he lays on the ringside mats.

We come back from the break to see Jey fighting out of a superplex and knocking McIntyre into the tree of woe position. Jey stands on the top rope, but McIntyre sits up and slams him to the mat with a belly-to-belly superplex. During the commercial break, McIntyre connected with a guillotine catapult into the metal framing of the ring.

Back to live action, Jey punches away at McIntyre, does a little dance, and rocks him with a right hand. McIntyre responds with a Glasgow Kiss that takes him down. McIntyre charges, but Jey puts him on the apron. McIntyre punches him back and goes to the top rope. McIntyre dives, but Jey moves. Jey superkicks McIntyre and punches him before hitting a Samoan Drop for a two-count. Jey slowly gets to his feet and sizes McIntyre up. McIntyre crawls to the corner. Jey goes for a running hip attack, but McIntyre moves and connects with a neckbreaker. Both men lay there for a few moments until McIntyre kips up. McIntyre looks sinisterly into the camera before staring at Jey. McIntyre crouches down in the corner and stalks Jey. McIntyre counts down and charges for a Claymore Kick, but Jey counters with a superkick. Jey hits a second superkick to take him down. Jey scurries up to the top rope and dives for an Uso Splash, but McIntyre gets the knees up! McIntyre hits a Future Shock DDT and covers. 1… 2… Jey kicks out!

McIntyre is furious and removes the top turnbuckle pad. McIntyre looks to Jey and charges, but Jey cuts him off with a Spear for a near fall! The referee sees the turnbuckle pad off and starts to deal with that. While the referee is distracted, McIntyre digs his thumb into Jey’s eyes! Jey screams in pain. McIntyre goes to the corner and connects with a Claymore Kick for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Drew McIntyre


Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso vs. Randy Orton and LA Knight

The bell rings and we are under way. Orton and Jimmy start the match. Orton with right hands and Jimmy pushes him in the corner. LA Knight tags himself in. He throws Jimmy to the ropes and hits him with a right hand. LA Knight runs to the ropes and Orton tags himself in. Orton gets in the ring and both men argue. Jimmy tags Solo into the match. Orton and Solo are face to face and Jimmy hits Orton from behind.

Back from commercial, Orton with a backdrop onto Jimmy in the middle of the ring. Solo and LA Knight are tagged in. LA Knight with punches onto Solo followed by a swinging neck breaker. LA Knight stomps on Solo in the corner and hits him with a running knee to the face. LA Knight hits Jimmy off the ring apron and Solo with a Solo slam. Solo with a right hand and he distracts the referee, Jimmy hits LA Knight with a right hand. Solo with a suplex. He goes for the cover but LA Knight kicks out. LA Knight in the corner. Solo runs towards LA Knight and slams into him. Jimmy is tagged back in and he hits LA Knight with a chop to the chest. Solo is tagged back in and they double team LA Knight and he is down in the corner. Solo goes for another splash in the corner but LA Knight moves out of the way. LA Knight climbs the second rope and he hits Solo with a bulldog. Orton is tagged in and as is Jimmy. Orton with right hands and a clothesline. He knocks Solo to the outside. Orton with a powerslam onto Jimmy and he falls to the outside. Orton slams Jimmy face first onto the announce table. Orton slams Jimmy onto the table. Orton throws Jimmy back into the ring and Jimmy rolls onto the ring apron. Orton gets him on the second rope and hits him with a DDT. Orton goes for the RKO but Solo hits Orton from behind. Solo goes for the Samoan Spike but LA Knight hits him with a DDT. Jimmy goes for a DDT but LA Knight catches his leg. He goes for the BFT but Orton hits Jimmy with the RKO. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Randy Orton and LA Knight


Today Jey Uso is full of emotion. It’s not all bad though. Today marks 14 years since he and his brother Jimmy Uso signed WWE contracts, how exciting. Today also marks 14 years since their uncle Umaga tragically passed away. Tonight on Raw, Jey dedicates his match to his late uncle. Will he gain his first singles championship?

Video Package: “Main Event” Jey Uso highlight reel. A few months ago, he had the chance to dethrone the Tribal Chief and become the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship, but it was ripped away from him by the one man he loved more than anyone in the world… his own twin brother. That hurt Jey more than anyone could ever know. Jey had to walk away. Jey convinced himself he was done until he got a call from Cody Rhodes. Rhodes told him not to quit and be his own man. The more he thought about it, the more he realized Rhodes was right. For his whole life, he fought for everyone, such as Roman, his brothers, and his father. Now, Jey is fighting for his own legacy. Before the titles, the Uso Penitentiary, the face paint, FCW, training, and being broke, it was just him. Seth Rollins has fought with him and against him. Tonight, Rollins will find out how hungry he is. Jey will prove to himself why they call him “Main Event” Jey Uso.

Seth “Freakin” Rollins will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Jey Uso later tonight.

Backstage Segment
Sami Zayn is seated on the floor, and WWE trainers are tending to his injured ankle. “Main Event” Jey Uso comes up and says Zayn is going to be ok.

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce’s Office

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce is on the phone. “Main Event” Jey Uso walks in and asks about Sami Zayn. Pearce says they’re still waiting to hear. Jey says this Drew McIntyre issue needs to be solved. Pearce says this is the biggest night of Jey’s career and needs to focus on that. Jey gets fired up and heads off.

Backstage Segment

World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins is getting ready when Raw General Manager Adam Pearce walks up to him. Pearce says he wanted to tell Rollins he invited CM Punk to be here last week and wants him to sign a Raw contract. Rollins cackles. When Punk shows his true colors, and it blows up in Pearce’s face, Pearce will stay out of his way when he does what he has to do. Right now, he has to focus on “Main Event” Jey Uso. Jey Uso walks up and says it took him 15 years to get this opportunity. This is his night. Rollins is looking at the new World Heavyweight Champion. Rollins laughs and says he feels him, but he’ll Stomp his face into the mat the first chance he gets. Jey says he’ll kick his face off the first chance he gets. Rollins says this is as friendly as they’ll be. Jey says this is his night.

“Main Event” Jey Uso makes his entrance. He’ll face Seth “Freakin” Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship next.

World Heavyweight Championship
“Main Event” Jey Uso vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins (c)
Jey Uso is dedicating this match to his uncle, the late, great Eddie “Umaga” Fatu, who passed away on this date 14 years ago.

The bell rings, and they lock up before giving a clean break. Rollins soon grabs the arm and wrenches it. Jey transitions into a waistlock, but Rollins quickly hooks a side headlock. Jey whips him off, but Rollins shoulder tackles him and covers for a no-count. Jey hooks a side headlock, but Rollins whips him off and shoulder tackles him for a one-count. Rollins soon attempts a Stomp, but Jey moves and rolls him up for a two-count. We’re at a stalemate as Rollins and Jey stare each other down.

We come back from the break to see Rollins laying Jey out on the apron and hitting a running boot to the head. Rollins hits a springboard senton bomb, followed by a Lionsault for a near fall. Rollins pulls Jey to his feet and chops the chest. Rollins hits a snapmare and kicks Jey in the back. Rollins connects with a back suplex for a two-count. A “CM Punk” chant picks up a bit. Rollins gets to his feet and pulls Jey up. Jey blocks a back suplex, so Rollins clubs away at the spine. Jey flips through a back suplex and hits a back suplex into a neckbreaker for a two-count.

Rollins is wobbling on his feet. Jey punches him to the corner and lifts him for a backbreaker for a two-count. Jey is targeting the chronically injured back of Rollins. Jey charges Rollins, but Rollins drops him on the apron. Jey rebounds with a kick to the face and goes to the top rope. Rollins quickly drops Jey with a step-up enzuigiri. Jey lands on the apron. Rollins goes for a Pedigree on the apron, but Jey lifts Rollins up. Rollins slides off and goes for a powerbomb. Rollins pulls him down and goes for a Buckle Bomb into the barricade, but Jey fights out. Jey then drops the World Heavyweight Champion with a DDT on the floor!

Back from the final break of the evening, Rollins and Jey are exchanging punches before Rollins clotheslines him over the top rope. Rollins hits a suicide dive and gets in the ring for another, but Jey follows him in. Jey clotheslines Rollins over the top rope and hits Rollins with a suicide dive. Jey gets in the ring and misses a pair of clotheslines. Both men wipe each other out with stereo running cross-body blocks.

They soon get up, but Jey lays in some right hands. The champion is on wobbly legs, but he doesn’t go down. Rollins quickly strikes away at Jey and clotheslines him down. A “CM Punk” chant picks up. Rollins hits Jey with a running forearm. Jey avoids a second one and kicks him in the midsection. Jey takes his shirt off and uppercuts Rollins. Jey hits an enzuigiri that knocks Rollins into the corner. Jey hits a running hip attack, paying homage to Umaga. Jey goes to the top rope, but he jumps over Rollins as he charges. Rollins connects with a Sling Blade and goes to the top rope for a Frog Splash. Rollins picks up a near fall.

Both men take a moment to collect themselves. Rollins sizes Jey up and kicks him in the midsection before hooking the arms. Jey hits a back body drop to get out of the Pedigree and covers him for a two-count. They trade superkicks, and Jey comes out on top. Jey immediately goes to the top rope and hits an Uso Splash for a near fall!

Jey goes to the apron and pulls himself to the top rope again. Rollins meets him up there, hits a superplex, and rolls into a falcon arrow for a near fall. Rollins immediately follows up with a Pedigree for a near fall. Rollins is fired up and waits for Jey to get up. Jey avoids a Stomp and catches Rollins with a Spear for a near fall! Jey cannot believe it. Jey sets up for a second Spear, but Rollins kicks him and hits a Buckle Bomb. Rollins hits the ropes, but Jey catches him with a Spear from out of nowhere! Jey flies up to the top rope and hits an Uso Splash! 1… 2… Rollins kicks out! The crowd is stunned!

Jey looks down at Rollins, who is on his knees and sneering at him. Jey superkicks him and hits the ropes for a Spear, but Rollins intercepts him with a Pedigree! Rollins follows up with a Spear to retain the title.

Winner by Pinfall and still World Heavyweight Champion: Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Rollins pulls Jey to his feet before celebrating in the ring. Jey rolls out of the ring to give Rollins the spotlight. All of a sudden, Drew McIntyre absolutely annihilates Jey Uso with a Claymore Kick from out of nowhere! Rollins goes for a suicide dive to attack McIntyre, but McIntyre catches him and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the floor! McIntyre immediately clears the commentary table and hits Jey with a release vertical suplex through it! McIntyre stands over the broken Jey Uso and shouts, “And the truth shall set you free!”


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