Last week, we saw Jey Uso lose in a match against Drew McIntyre. This could be taken as a good or bad thing. You see Jey tried starting fresh on Monday Night Raw, but his past incidents have caused his journey on the red brand to start off rough. As many superstars have forgone the past and what The Bloodline did, Drew McIntyre has been in a sour state since The YEET Master made his singles debut on Raw. Now that Drew has his sights set on Seth Rollins, can Jey Uso get back on the straight and narrow and be able to start fresh? Take a look at what happened on tonight’s episode.

Kofi Claus brings a little Christmas to Des Moines

Kofi Claus makes his way to the ring throwing gifts out to the crowd. All of a sudden, Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci of Imperium attack him from behind. Vinci gives him a back suplex in the ring. They continue to double-team Kofi Claus until “Main Event” Jey Uso runs down for the save. Jey knocks them out of the ring and hits a running plancha. Jey challenges one of them to a match.

Ludwig Kaiser w/ Giovanni Vinci vs. “Main Event” Jey Uso

We join this match in progress. Jey takes it to Kaiser, but Kaiser soon fights back. Kaiser rips at Jey’s face and elbows him. Kaiser sends Jey into the ropes and hits a back elbow. Kaiser whips Jey hard into the corner and continues to take it to him. Jey misses an enzuigiri, and Kaiser sends him over the top rope. Kaiser connects with a running uppercut at ringside.

Back from the break, Jey finally hits Kaiser with a step-up enzuigiri. Jey punches back at Kaiser, does a little dance, and floors him with a stinging right hand. Kaiser sends him into the ropes, but Jey gets away and hits another enzuigiri. Jey hits a running hip attack for a two-count. Jey lifts Kaiser, but Kaiser rakes the eyes and hits a Kaiser Roll (rolling Death Valley Driver) for a two-count. Kaiser goes for a twisting DDT, but Jey gets out and superkicks him. Giovanni Vinci pushes Jey off the top rope as the referee checks on Kaiser. Kaiser hits a nasty enzuigiri for a near fall.

Kofi Claus returns to ringside and hits Vinci with Trouble in Paradise! Jey takes Kaiser down in the ring with a Spear and hits an Uso Splash for the win!

Winner by Pinfall: Jey Uso

Jey Uso celebrates with Kofi Claus… who is really Kofi Kingston! Wow!