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They may look identical and sound similar, but Jonathan and Joshua Fatu, better known as Jimmy and Jey Uso, could never be more different. Born and raised in a wrestling dynasty, Jimmy and Jey were destined for greatness. Growing up, they would always wrestle around the house, but on the outside, football was where they put most of their energy, playing until they graduated high school. Soon after high school, they wanted to learn the family business. On June 8, 2007, The Fatu Twins debuted in Milton, Florida. They got an even better chance when, one night, their uncle EKI, whom we all know as Umaga, told them that he was leaving for Houston tonight. This is what sealed their fate. They kissed their babies and took a 10-hour journey to Houston. On December 12, 2008, they made their professional wrestling debut as the Samoan Soldiers at the NWA Prime Time event, defeating Killer Instinct. Throughout the year 2009, they worked in Texas for Ring of Honor. Jey recently went back to Ring of Honor and talked about it as being home. Who knew that they’d be in the position they are in now?

In 2010, the Uso Brothers made their debut in Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW), and with their cousin, Sarona Snuka, as their manager, they went on to win the FCW Florida Tag Team Championship. They made their WWE Raw debut in May 2011, and their characters changed during the draft of the same year. They began performing the Siva Tau, a traditional Samoan war dance, and appeared on NXT Redemption and Friday Night Smackdown. In 2012, they unsuccessfully challenged for the WWE Tag Team Championship at Wrestlemania XXVIII and began using face paint to highlight their Samoan culture.

In 2014, The Usos began a winning streak and got a title match against The New Age Outlaws. They won the match on Monday Night Raw to become champions and defended them on the Wrestlemania XXX pre-show. They defended their titles for 202 days, dropping them to Goldust and Stardust at the Night of Champions. In 2016, they changed their style to a more street-oriented one. In 2017, they won the Smackdown Tag Team Championships, becoming the first to win both Raw and Smackdown titles.

Wrestlemania 34 was the light at the end of the tunnel that The Usos had been waiting on. They were finally past pre-shows and kickoffs; they made it to the big leagues by competing on the card for the first time in their careers. They would go on to lose in the triple threat match to The Bludgeon Brothers, but fans were just excited to finally see them get their moment. This reign lasted 182 days, setting a record for the longest Smackdown Tag Team Championship reign. This led The Usos to move through the division until  Survivor Series. They were the team captains of Smackdown, and they emerged as the sole survivors, giving Smackdown their only win at the event. Let’s move on to something that made a lot of people happy. Smackdown March 26 episode saw The Usos forfeit their match to longtime rivals The New Day. Why? They wanted to give Kofi Kingston a shot at a WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania. The WWE higher-ups tried punishing The Usos for it by putting them in a fatal four-way match, but they retained. But dropped the titles to The Hardys on April 9th. After a short feud with The Revival, The Usos were sidelined for the rest of the year. We will not go into why.


New beginnings saw The Usos return on the January 3, 2020 edition of Smackdown when they helped Roman Reigns fend off Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin. The Usos would go on to get title matches at Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania 36 but would be unsuccessful. Jimmy suffered a legitimate leg injury during the mania match, sidelining him with no set return. Where would this leave Jey? If history repeated itself, they’d both be off TV. Roman Reigns and Creative fired a cannon and called in an audible. Jey would enter the Bloodline storyline and never look back. September 4th saw Jey Uso replace Big E as he was injured. Jey won the fatal four-way match, earning him a title shot against Roman Reigns at the Night of Champions. During this, Jey was unsuccessful because his twin brother Jimmy made an appearance, throwing in the towel on Jey’s behalf. Jey then would have an “I Quit Hell in a Cell Match and lost again in the same fashion because Jimmy inserted himself in the match and was attacked by Roman, forcing Jey to say the words I quit. Soon after, Jey turned heel, aligning himself with Roman Reigns and officially joining The Bloodline. On April 9th of that year, Jey won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal match, making it his first singles accolade. Jimmy returned on May 7, and let’s just say this was a very stressful time for Jey as Jimmy and Roman were not seeing eye to eye. During Money in the Bank, The Usos went on to capture their 5th Smackdown Tag Team Championship. On January 16, 2022, the boys broke their own record of 182 days as the longest reigning tag team champions. May 20th saw The Usos, with outside interference from Roman Reigns, capture the Raw Tag Team Championships, unifying the belts in the process. This marked their third reign as Raw Tag Team Champions. On July 18, The Usos surpassed the 365-day reign and became the first team to hold the titles for a continuous year. On November 28th, they became the longest reigning tag champs in WWE history.

The year 2023 saw The Usos at the highest of highs, even allowing Sami Zayn to join the Bloodline, and very slowly dwindling to the lowest of lows. Yes, Sami Zayn was kicked out because he no longer wanted to do things the Bloodline way. Jey had just come around to being cool with Sami, and now it was all over. No one could ever imagine, after their Wrestlemania 39 loss to Owens and Zayn, that things could get worse. The Usos held the Smackdown titles for a record 622 days. Reigns started to ignore them and treat them differently. Jimmy even got kicked out of The Bloodline for costing Roman and Solo the tag titles at Night of Champions. Jey, on the other hand, was being bribed to join The Bloodline again by being given title matches, but Jimmy unintentionally cost Jey the match trying to save him from being attacked but ended up kicking him instead. The following week, Jimmy and Jey banded together and left The Bloodline. This would ignite a Bloodline Civil War, which The Usos won by Jey pinning Reigns. This was Reigns first pinfall loss since 2019. Summerslam would reignite Roman Reigns vs. Jey Uso, but when Jey went for the pin, he was pulled out of the ring by a surprise: his own twin brother Jimmy. Jimmy went on to say that he did it so Jey wouldn’t turn into Roman. Jey didn’t take too well to that explanation and superkicked every member of The Bloodline. He then left with parting words. “Dueces, Uces”. After a few weeks, we saw Jimmy return in tow with a new theme, “Born A King”. Jey would soon get a phone call that would change his outlook. Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes invited Jey to Payback to announce that he was finally a member of Monday Night Raw. Fastlane approached, and Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes would win the undisputed titles. Shortly after losing them to Judgment Day. This reign would give Jey the highest distinction in the WWE by holding the Smackdown Tag Team Championship for the most cumulative days across his six reigns at 1,011 days. Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso got a rematch, but it was foiled thanks to interference by none other than Jimmy Uso.


The October 20 edition of Smackdown Jimmy Uso wanted to attack John Cena, but a masked person stopped his plans. Using the same tactics he used at Summerslam. The person was… Jey Uso. They brawled until Jey was given a fine by Nick Aldis and ejected from the arena. There would be an unexpected but amazing turn at the Royal Rumble. Jey Uso would enter as the number one entrant, while Jimmy Uso would come out as number 2. This was only a small glimpse of what was to come. The staredown had to be better than the blows they took at each other. Let’s point out that Jey still didn’t want to hit Jimmy, it seemed. but he also wanted to knock the YEET outta his ahh Jimmy lasted about 30 minutes or so, while Jey lasted closer to an hour. February 19th comes around, and Jimmy still isn’t fond of Jey getting title matches and interferes in the intercontinental match against GUNTHER. This did it for Jey. Jey would then challenge his brother to a match at Wrestlemania XL. To some, this match may just be another match. To some, it may not be worth the wait, but for the fans of The Usos, who have literally been down with them since ROW/FCW or even their debut with Tamina on Raw, this is EVERYTHING. We, as fans, had to endure preshows and kickoff shows. We had to endure Jimmy and Jey portraying what they thought we wanted to see. From “Hittin Hard in the Paint” to “Welcome to The Uso Penitentiary”. We knew The Usos had “IT.” Through several character changes, to becoming their own individual selves. This is who The Usos truly are. They are more than fraternal twins who look identical. People still can’t tell them a part. Yes, even after being on two separate brands, Jey has a mullet cut, and Jimmy has longer hair. Jimmy wears bloodline colors black and red, and Jey wears blue and black. People still get them mixed up. What is important now is that they both got the chance to become their own people. This match is more than brothers being fed up with each other; it is about creating their own legacies while keeping the family legacy alive. Twin vs. Twin (male) has NEVER been done before, and I can almost guarantee it won’t be done again. Who wins? Honestly, we don’t care; all we care about is that it’s their time to show what they are made of. So whether you are #TeamYEET or #TeamNOYEET, it doesn’t matter; just enjoy the ride.


We see a shot outside the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. Earlier today, Diamond-Certified Rapper and Record Producer Travis Scott entered the arena. He was greeted by “Main Event” Jey Uso. “Main Event” Jey Uso is shown backstage. We’ll hear from him next.

“Main Event” Jey Uso addresses Jimmy Uso

“Main Event” Jey Uso makes his entrance to a huge reaction. There are loud “YEET” chants. Jey says, “Jimmy Uso.” The crowd gasps. Jey says he came to Monday Night Raw for a fresh start. The Bloodline won’t let him go. YEET. Jimmy won’t let him go. YEET. So how about this? YEET. Brother vs. Brother. YEET. Twin vs. Twin. YEET. Blood vs. Blood. YEET. Jey vs. Jimmy at WrestleMania! YEET! Jey tells Jimmy to accept his challenge because he will knock the YEET out of his ass.


Jey Uso is shown entering the building earlier today.“Main Event”
Jey Uso is backstage warming up.“Main Event” Jey Uso says for weeks all he has heard is Drew McIntyre crying and complaining about an apology. Jey says he’s sorry for what he’s about to do to McIntyre tonight. Jey don’t play. Jey puts “YEET” sunglasses on.

“Main Event” Jey Uso vs. Drew McIntyre

The bell rings, and they stare at each other. “YEET” chants pick up. Jey rocks McIntyre with some right hands. McIntyre shoves him off and charges, but Jey puts him on the apron. McIntyre blocks a kick, but Jey spins and kicks him in the head to knock him to the floor. Jey bounces McIntyre off the commentary table. McIntyre fights back and slings Jey over the commentary table. McIntyre looks into the camera and shouts, “YEET.”

Back from the break, McIntyre punches Jey on the apron and talks trash to him. Jey stuns him with a kick to the face. Jey goes to the top rope and dives for a cross-body block to pick up a two-count. Jey punches away at McIntyre. McIntyre reverses a whip to the corner. Jey goes to slingshot over him, but McIntyre kicks him in the ribs for a two-count. McIntyre takes Jey down with a back elbow to the face. McIntyre stands him up in the corner and chops him down. Jey slowly gets up and stumbles to the corner. McIntyre chops him once again and puts him on the top rope. McIntyre chops the chest and climbs to the second rope. McIntyre sets up for White Noise. Jey fights it and connects with a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall!

Jey quickly heads to the top rope and dives for an Uso Splash, but McIntyre gets the knees up. McIntyre connects with a spinebuster and a jackknife cover for a near fall. McIntyre chops Jey. Jey responds with a right hand, but McIntyre punches him back and clubs him over the top rope. McIntyre grabs Jey and connects with a textbook vertical suplex on the floor. Both men groan in pain from the impact as we go to commercials.
Back from the final break of the evening, McIntyre is punching Jey around ringside. McIntyre lifts Jey and drives him back and forth into the barricade and ring apron a few times. McIntyre rolls him into the ring and slowly gets in. Jey struggles to get to his feet. McIntyre scoops him up, but Jey slides off and shoves him to the corner. McIntyre charges, but Jey boots him down.

Jey blocks some punches and punches away at McIntyre. McIntyre is stunned on his feet. Jey rocks him with a big right hand. McIntyre reverses a whip and lifts him, but Jey gets away and kicks him. Jey uppercuts him, ducks a clothesline, and connects with a Samoan Drop for a two-count. Jey sizes McIntyre up and gets the crowd going. Jey charges and smashes him with a running hip attack. Jey hits the corner for a second one, but McIntyre rolls out of the ring. Jey takes him out with a suicide dive.

Jey gets McIntyre in the ring and goes to the top rope. Solo Sikoa comes to ringside through the crowd. Jey leaps at McIntyre, but McIntyre moves. McIntyre connects with a Future Shock DDT for a near fall. “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes runs down and attacks Solo Sikoa. They brawl into the crowd. McIntyre counts down and charges for a Claymore Kick, but Jey superkicks him. Jey connects with two more superkicks and a Spear! Jey heads to the apron to climb the ropes, but he stops when he sees his brother Jimmy Uso sneering at him. Jey looks shocked. Jey gets back in the ring, and McIntyre takes him out with a Claymore Kick for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Drew McIntyre

Jimmy Uso grabs a steel chair and gets in the ring. Jimmy looks like he has some evil plans for his twin brother. World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins runs down. Rollins runs past his WrestleMania opponent, Drew McIntyre. McIntyre looks stunned. Rollins gets in the ring and superkicks the chair into Jimmy’s face. Rollins then turns into a Claymore Kick from McIntyre. McIntyre grabs the World Heavyweight Championship and tells Rollins this is what awaits him if he continues down this path.


We see footage of “Main Event” Jey Uso heading into the Honda Center earlier today. He’ll face Gunther for the WWE Intercontinental Championship later tonight.

Drew McIntyre vs. “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes

…McIntyre kicks out again! Rhodes gets fired up and points at the WrestleMania XL sign! Rhodes sizes McIntyre up, but he sees Jimmy Uso running down to the ring. Rhodes punches Jimmy off the apron and grabs McIntyre for a Cross Rhodes. Solo Sikoa then appears in all black and hits Rhodes with a Samoan Spike. McIntyre looks shocked. McIntyre then turns Rhodes inside out with a Claymore Kick for the win!

Winner by Pinfall: Drew McIntyre

McIntyre looks over at Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa of the Bloodline and looks shocked. McIntyre then has his arm raised in victory.

Backstage Segment

“Main Event” Jey Uso says he is bringing down the empire tonight. He will be the new Intercontinental Champion tonight. YEET!

“Main Event” Jey Uso will battle “The Ring General” Gunther for the WWE Intercontinental Championship later tonight.

WWE Intercontinental Championship “The Ring General” Gunther (c) vs. “Main Event” Jey Uso

The bell rings, and they go face-to-face. Gunther shoves him, so Jey slaps him in the face. Gunther big boots him and pulls him up to viciously chop the chest. Gunther grabs him and chops the chest again. Gunther puts Jey on the top rope and chops the chest again. Gunther climbs the ropes and chokes him with his boot. Jey falls to ringside. Gunther follows him out and rocks him with a chop to the chest. Gunther then destroys him with a back suplex on the barricade, followed by one on the apron.
Back from the break, Jey kicks Gunther back from the apron. Jey goes to the top rope and jumps, but Gunther chops him out of midair. Gunther puts his feet on the sides of Jey’s head and twists the neck! Gunther connects with a backbreaker and irately looks down at Jey. Gunther kicks Jey out of the ring. Gunther goes to ringside and sets up for a Powerbomb, but Jey counters into a back drop on the floor. Jey ducks a clothesline and hits a Samoan Drop onto the commentary table.

Jey gets fired up and grabs Gunther. Jey sends Gunther into the ring and sizes him up. Jey charges for a spear, but Gunther sidesteps him. Jey quickly uppercuts him and kicks him in the midsection before hitting a second uppercut. Gunther is down in the corner. Jey gets the crowd fired up and charges, but Gunther smashes him with a Tyrannosaurus Dropkick. Gunther immediately follows up with a Powerbomb for a near fall! Gunther grabs Jey, who appears to be out on his feet. Jey goes for a desperation superkick, but Gunther blocks it and turns him inside out with a vicious lariat for another near fall. Gunther applies a Boston Crab. Jey soon gets to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Gunther grabs Jey, but Jey pulls the top rope down to him out of the ring. Jey then connects with a suicide dive.

We come back from the final break of the evening to see Gunther and Jey exchanging some stiff shots. Jey eventually comes out on top with some right hands. Gunther then responds with a vicious chop that floors Jey. Gunther pulls him up and chops the chest again. Gunther holds the arm, so Jey doesn’t go all the way down. Gunther chops him two more times to finally lay him out. Gunther shouts that Jey isn’t good enough to succeed on his own. Jey punches back, but Gunther chops him a few times. Gunther goes for a Powerbomb, but Jey gets out. Jey hits the ropes, but Gunther leapfrogs him. Jey then catches him with a Spear for a near fall!

Jey goes to the top rope, but Gunther cuts him off. Gunther chops the chest and slams Jey off the top rope! Gunther goes back to the top rope and hits a splash! 1… 2… Jey kicks out! Gunther chops Jey a few times. Jey challenges him for more. Jey eventually fights back and hits a Spear! Gunther quickly rolls to the apron and stands up, but Jey follows him to the apron and hits a Spear! Jey hits a third Spear on the floor! Jey gets Gunther in the ring, ducks a clothesline, and hits a fourth Spear, the fifth of this match! Jey heads to the top rope and hits an Uso Splash! 1… the bell is ringing! The referee stops counting and looks confused. It is revealed to be Jimmy Uso ringing the bell. Jey looks shocked and disgusted. WWE Security kicks Jimmy out of the arena.

Gunther grabs Jey and goes for a Sleeper Hold, but Jey kicks back and nearly pins Gunther. Jey superkicks Gunther and hits Jimmy with a suicide dive! Jey goes to the top rope for an Uso Splash, but Gunther gets the knees up and cradles him for the win!

Winner by Pinfall and still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Gunther

Jimmy Uso gets in the ring and attacks his twin brother! Jimmy superkicks Jey in the face and shouts at him. Jimmy shouts that no matter how big Jey gets, he’ll always be the big brother. Jimmy cost Jey the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at SummerSlam, the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship in October 2023, and now the Intercontinental Championship. Jimmy goes to the top rope and hits an Uso Splash. Jimmy talks trash to his brother.


6-Man Tag Team Match: The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) and “Main Event” Jey Uso vs. Imperium (WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci)

Kofi Kingston will start against Ludwig Kaiser. They lock up, and Kingston gets him in the corner. Kaiser turns him around and punches him in the forehead. Kingston fights back, but Kaiser chops the chest. Kingston chops back a few times, but Kaiser elbows him in the head to take him down. Kaiser kicks Kingston in the chest. Kaiser hits the ropes, but Kingston avoids a kick and dropkicks him down. Kingston connects with a clothesline and tags Xavier Woods in. Woods and Kingston go back and forth on Kaiser with attacks. Woods has Kaiser down in the corner. The New Day and Jey Uso then start up a Unicorn Stomp. Woods then whips Jey into Kaiser for a hip attack. Jey then sneers at Gunther. Kaiser crawls to his corner and tags Gunther in. The Ring General locks his eyes on Jey and tags Giovanni Vinci in before doing anything. Jey takes exception to that, and Vinci takes him down from behind. Vinci mocks Jey’s dance and tags Gunther in. Vinci holds Jey up. Gunther rips Jey’s shirt off and viciously smashes his chest with a chop. Kaiser tags in and punches away at Jey. Kaiser grabs Jey, but Jey uppercuts him. Jey punches Vinci off the apron and takes Kaiser down. Jey goes after Gunther, but Gunther avoids it. Kaiser then clotheslines Jey from behind and knocks him over the top rope. Gunther then wipes Jey out at ringside with a big boot.

Back from the break, Jey fights out of Kaiser’s chin lock. Jey connects with a back suplex, and both men are down.

Woods and Vinci tag in. Woods takes Vinci down and knocks Kaiser off the apron. Kingston hits Vinci with a crossbody block. Woods follows up with a swinging neckbreaker. Kingston connects with a famouser on Vinci. Woods hits a tornado DDT, and Kingston flattens him with a frog splash as Vinci tries to stand. 1… 2… Vinci kicks out. Woods and Kaiser start to brawl at ringside. Kingston gets involved and kicks Kaiser in the face. Kingston hits Vinci with a leaping clothesline and hits the ropes for a Boom Drop. Kingston sets up for Trouble in Paradise, but Kaiser grabs the feet. Vinci knocks Kingston over the top rope, and Kaiser drives Kingston headfirst into the steel steps. Kingston slowly gets on the apron, but Vinci kicks him in the head to knock him back to ringside. Vinci gets Kingston in the ring and covers for a two-count.

Gunther tags in. The longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time stomps Kingston before connecting with a beautiful uppercut. Gunther smiles as he stalks Kingston. Gunther bends Kingston on the ropes and elbows him on the bridge of the nose. Gunther taunts his opponents on the apron and elbows Kingston in the neck. Gunther connects with another uppercut. Kingston is in Imperium’s corner and fights off Kaiser and Vinci. Gunther stops Kingston from making a tag and chops him down. Gunther then snaps around and chops Jey off the apron. Gunther grabs Kingston’s legs and turns him over to apply a Boston Crab. Gunther talks trash to Jey as he applies the hold. Jey has seen enough and enters the ring. Jey steps up to the Ring General and slaps him in the face. Gunther is incredulous and lets go of Kingston. The referee separates Gunther and Jey as we go to the commercial.

We return from the break to see Kaiser pulling Kingston away from his corner by the hair. Kaiser knocks Woods off the apron, but he misses Jey. Kingston then hits Kaiser with a back body drop.

Jey and Vinci tag in. Jey hits a pair of clotheslines before kicking him in the midsection and hitting an uppercut. Jey catches Vinci with a Samoan Drop before delivering one to Kaiser. Gunther is furious. Jey hits Kaiser with a running hip attack before hitting one on Vinci. Jey goes after Gunther, but Gunther avoids it. Jey superkicks Kaiser down and superkicks Vinci out of midair.

Gunther tags in. Jey avoids a chop and punches away at the Ring General. Jey does some theatrics, and Gunther takes the opportunity to chop him down. Gunther blocks a kick, but Jey spins and hits a rebound enzuigiri. Jey punches him to the corner and backs up. Gunther drops him on the apron, but Jey punches him back. Jey hits Gunther with a crossbody block for a two-count. Jey gets up and goes to the corner to size Gunther up. Jey charges for a spear, but Gunther takes him down and chops the chest. Gunther knocks the New Day off the apron. Gunther grabs Jey and annihilates him with a short-arm clothesline. 1… 2… Jey kicks out! Gunther cannot believe it. Gunther heads to the top rope and mocks Jey’s dance. Gunther goes for a splash, but Jey gets the knees up. Jey hits Gunther with a spear! 1… 2… Kaiser breaks up the pin.

Woods hits Kaiser with a diving kick at ringside. Woods lands hard on the floor and lands on the back of Kaiser’s leg. That looked bad. Kingston then sends Kaiser into the ring post. Vinci tags into the match. Vinci goes for a powerbomb on Jey, but Jey gets out of it. Vinci big boots him, but Jey superkicks him. The New Day gets in the ring and hits Vinci with a 1D with Jey! They knock Kaiser back, and Kingston hits him with a somersault senton. Jey goes to the top rope and hits Kaiser with an Uso Splash for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: The New Day and “Main Event” Jey Uso

The New Day and Jey Uso celebrate in the ring. Gunther is irate at ringside and holds up his WWE Intercontinental Championship.

“Main Event” Jey Uso To Challenge For I-C Title Next Week

Cathy Kelley is backstage with “Main Event” Jey Uso and The New Day, who are pumped up after their victory in the opening match of tonight’s show against GUNTHER and Imperium. Kelley informs Uso that he will be challenging GUNTHER for the Intercontinental title next week on Raw.



Jey Uso and The New Day are in the locker room chatting and ordering pizza? Check out the conversation surrounding that and more.


Gunther celebrates 600+ days as WWE Intercontinental Champion

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci of Imperium are in the ring. The ring is decorated with four columns and a black carpet. Kaiser demands the attention of the crowd for the greatest Intercontinental Champion. It’s been 600 days of “The Ring General” Gunther.

WWE Intercontinental Champion “The Ring General” Gunther makes his way to the ring with a smile on his face. He is on the 605th day of his record-breaking Intercontinental Championship reign. Gunther says to the surprise of no one, he is celebrating the jubilee of his 600 days as champion. Gunther appreciates Kaiser setting up this ceremony, but he doesn’t want it anymore. What’s the difference? 700 days, 800 days, and 1,000 days are a given. One thing will never change: The Ring General will be the greatest and longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time. Gunther is running out of competition. There is no man worthy of challenging him for this great championship.

“Main Event” Jey Uso makes his way to the ring! Jey Uso comes out to a huge ovation and has the crowd (and Pat McAfee) bouncing their arms. Imperium does not look impressed. Jey says, “‘Main Event’ Jey Uso is now in your city!” Gunther says he gets it and mocks the gestures. Gunther says it’s simple gestures for a simple audience. The last time he saw Jey, he eliminated him from the Royal Rumble. Gunther expected he’d have a word with him, but this is not the way to do it. This is a celebration. Gunther is sensing some disrespect.

A “YEET” chant picks up. Jey says there was no disrespect. He sees the work he’s put in. 600 days as the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion in WWE history. Gunther says Jey is a very accomplished man himself. He’s one of the most decorated Tag Team wrestlers of all time. YEET. He was part of the best Tag Team in WWE history. YEET. He holds the record as the longest-reigning Tag Team Champion of all time. YEET. Gunther says Jey only had to put in 50% of the work. Gunther achieved all this on his own. Jey says Gunther is going to get 100% of this whooping. Jey says he was 1,000+ days as Tag Team Champion and the first tag team to main event WrestleMania. It’s 2024. If you want Jey Uso to be Intercontinental Champion, then he wants to hear the crowd say, “YEET!” The crowd loudly says, “YEET!”

Gunther says, “Well, good for you. After 15 years, you finally developed the guts to step out of the shadow of your family and achieve something for yourself.” Jey Uso is not the first and will not be the last to ride on The Ring General’s coattail. When he beats Jey, he’ll beat him worse than his own family ever did. He’ll beat him so badly, he’ll long for the good old days when people couldn’t tell him and his brother apart. Gunther shoves him. Jey tackles Gunther, but Kaiser and Vinci quickly attack. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston of The New Day run down for the save. Imperium gets out of the ring before any action happens.


The night after the Royal Rumble has always been a fresh start of sorts. It begins the road to Wrestlemania. Jey Uso has been on a roll as of late and last night at the Royal Rumble made it no different. Jey spent over 50 minutes in the Rumble outlasting his own brother Jimmy. But who can forget that staredown between the two as Jey entered at number 1 and Jimmy entered at number 2. The staredown was bone chilling and it was ultimately Jimmy Uso who threw the first punch. Will we see this feud take off tonight? Paul Heyman gave Jimmy orders to go to Monday Night Raw and target an injured World champion? Will Jimmy Uso show up and what will Jey Uso do if he does?

To open up Monday Night Raw, we see Jey Uso arriving to the arena. His mind is set on one thing tonight and that is defeating the roadblock that is in his way in Bronson Reed. Jey understands this won’t be easy but he is on his journey to getting the gold.

“Main Event” Jey Uso vs. “Big” Bronson Reed

After they lock up, Reed pushes Jey toward the corner. Jey sidesteps a right hand and continues to hit him. When Jey reaches the ropes, Reed throws him to the ground. Before clubbing Jey, Reed strikes and headbutts him into the corner. Reed latches onto a clothesline with a short arm. Jey is pushed into the ropes by Reed. Reed gives him a whipped back, but Jey stops him with a sidestep while holding the ropes. Jey makes a suicide dive connection. Jey is swiftly shoved into the ring post by Reed, who then rushes, but Jey moves, and Reed strikes the post.

PIP: Reed recovers at ringside for a short while before entering the ring. Jey uses his right hand to rock him. Reed catches Jey with a back elbow as he comes around the rebound after he hits the ropes and ducks a clothesline. Reed makes a drop of his elbow. Reed clamps down on his neck. Jey strikes out at the large Australian. Reed gives him a swift headbutt to knock him back. Reed spends a few moments standing atop Jey. Jey is choking on the middle rope after Reed grabs him. Jey is hard-whipped into the other corner by Reed after he hits him. Jey is made fun of by Reed as he slams his face against the center turnbuckle. Reed locks in a rear chin lock after connecting with a running hip attack.

After returning from break, Jey squares up and throws fists. Reed places Jey on the apron as he attacks after Jey punches him into the corner. After giving him a back kick, Jey dives for a cross-body block from the top rope. 1… 2… Reed gives up. Jey uppercuts and kicks him. With lightning speed, Reed takes him out and sets off a senton bomb for two counts. Reed is enraged that Jey left. Jey twice gives Reed the finger by dodging a clothesline. Reed remains upright. The large man is knocked off his feet by a third superkick, and Jey receives a two-count. Reed stops Jey as he approaches the top rope. Reed tries to superplex Jey, but Jey knocks him to the ground with strikes. but Jey punches him down to the mat. Jey goes for an Uso Splash, but Reed moves. Reed connects with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

Jey is avalanched in the corner by Reed, who proceeds to the top rope. Reed goes for a Tunami, however Jey moves. Jey hits Reed with a superkick and connects with a Spear. Jey goes to the top rope and hits a Uso Splash for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: “Main Event” Jey Uso


This year’s Royal Rumble is set to be one for the ages. Who pulled the lucky number 1? Who will be in at number 30. The Rumble has had its fair share of controversy as well as a lot of laughable moments. This year it is no different but superstars from all three brands will have their time to shine during the match. Also this year is set to have a few huge returns. Who will return and make a huge impact in the outcome of the match.

After 10 years of not being picked for the Rumble, Jimmy and Jey finally are getting their time to shine in the match. This comes after Jey ventured away from the Bloodline and made his way onto Monday Night Raw. While there, he has made a name for himself by going toe to toe with the greats and even capturing the Undisputed Tag Team Championships with partner Cody Rhodes. Jimmy has remained a faithful member of the Bloodline and followed to a T the orders the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns sends his way. He has no desire or will to stray from the Bloodline anytime soon. Tonight during the Royal Rumble match, we have the chance to see the start of what can become one of the best clashes in WWE history between twin brothers. Who will go further in the match Jey’s #YEET or Jimmy’s #NOYEET?

30-Man Royal Rumble Match

No. 1: “Main Event” Jey Uso

No. 2: Jimmy Uso

The two brothers stare at each other and sneer. Jimmy famously cost Jey his Undisputed WWE Universal Championship match at SummerSlam. Jimmy also cost Jey and Cody Rhodes the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship to the Judgment Day. They go face-to-face in the ring, and the crowd is buzzing. They exchange punches. With each punch Jey throws, the crowd shouts, “YEET!” Jey punches Jimmy over the top rope, but Jimmy holds on. Jimmy kicks him back and gets out of a Samoan Drop. Jey avoids an enzuigiri and superkicks his brother down. Jey goes to the top rope for an Uso Splash, but Jimmy gets the knees up. The clock starts to count down.

Both brothers put on an amazing feat during the match. Jimmy had his moments where he had his gimmicks, and Jey had an amazing show. Jimmy ended up lasting over 30 minutes, while Jey fought for over 50 minutes. Both brothers can definitely say they have come a long way and there is more to come. Will we see brother vs brother?


Solo Sikoa is shown walking backstage with Jimmy Uso and Paul Heyman.

AJ Styles is walking backstage when Jimmy Uso approaches him. Jimmy says they should team up to take out LA Knight. It’ll be good for everyone. Jimmy walks off as Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, and Michin walk up. Anderson asks what that was about. Styles angrily looks at him and says, “Don’t worry about it.”

Paul Heyman explains the difference between fixing a problem and solving a problem. Last week, Solo Sikoa solved a problem, but he didn’t fix it. Tonight, he needs to fix the problem and not be merciful. Sikoa smirks and says, “Ok.” Sikoa walks off. Jimmy stands up and says that smirk is scary. Heyman says what is scary is Jimmy’s cousin Roman Reigns went from the Big Dog to Tribal Chief because he saw the moment and seized it. There is a moment for Jimmy to seize. On Raw, there is an injured World Champion who thinks he’s a visionary who is going to carry that title into WrestleMania. Jimmy needs to win the Royal Rumble, face Seth Rollins at WrestleMania, and win the title. The line of succession to who is truly the Tribal Heir all starts at the Royal Rumble.

Jimmy Uso walks in and picks his number for the Royal Rumble. He says, “No YEET.” Jimmy shows Nick Aldis and Ava his number and walks off.

LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa w/ Jimmy Uso and Paul Heyman

All-time refereeing legend Charles Robinson is the official for this match. The bell rings, and Knight punches away at Sikoa. Sikoa grabs him and throws him to the corner before hitting an avalanche. Sikoa punches Knight down and backs up. Knight punches back at the Street Champion. Sikoa puts Knight on the apron, but Knight shoulders him and hits a slingshot shoulder tackle. Knight gets Sikoa on his knees and stomps the hand. Knight dropkicks Sikoa out of the ring and smashes the injured hand off the apron. Knight slams the hand off the commentary table and the ring steps.

Sikoa fights back, but Knight sends him into the ring post. Knight slams the injured hand off the post a few times and gets Sikoa in the ring. Knight shoulders Sikoa back. Jimmy distracts Knight. Knight scares him back and goes for a slingshot shoulder, but Sikoa uppercuts him out of midair.

Back from the break, Sikoa crushes Knight with a Samoan Drop. Sikoa stomps away at Knight. Knight fights back, but Sikoa reverses a whip. Sikoa lowers his head and eats a kick, but he quickly rebounds with a clothesline. Sikoa lifts Knight, but Knight slides off and boots him. Knight connects with a diving bulldog, and both men are down.

Knight punches away at Sikoa before hitting a diving clothesline. Knight connects with a side leg sweep before stomping him in the corner. Heyman is not happy with what is going on. Knight hits a running knee to the face and knocks Jimmy off the apron. Knight blocks a Samoan Spike and DDTs Sikoa. Knight clotheslines Sikoa over the top rope and hits a baseball slide. The crowd starts to buzz. Knight bounces Sikoa’s face off the commentary table a number of times. Knight then turns and eats a Phenomenal Forearm from Styles!

Winner by Disqualification: LA Knight

An irate Styles sends Knight face-first into the steel steps. Styles clears the commentary table and sees Jimmy lurking nearby with a steel chair. Jimmy plays it off and places it at Styles’ feet. Jimmy tells him to do what he has to do. Sikoa comes up to Styles and tells him to take care of Knight, or he’ll take care of Styles. Styles attacks Sikoa with the chair, as well as Jimmy.

Randy Orton runs over and uppercuts Styles out of the ring. Orton hits Jimmy with a snap powerslam. Sikoa pulls Orton out of the ring and bounces him off the commentary table. Orton fights out of a Spinning Solo and hits a back suplex on the commentary table. Orton takes his shirt off and grabs Jimmy before he escapes the ring. Orton hits Jimmy with a hanging DDT. Orton then ducks a Phenomenal Forearm from Styles and drops him with a hanging DDT. Orton stalks Styles and drops him with an RKO. Orton poses as the show ends… except Knight quickly grabs him and hits Blunt Force Trauma, seconds before going off the air!